Welcome to the Preventing Dementia MOOC View in browser  |  Print

Dear Friend,

It is a pleasure to welcome you to the October 2020 Preventing Dementia Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).

The first few days are an introduction period that provides you with the opportunity to log in at mooc.utas.edu.au/profile, enter the course, and familiarise yourself with the Preventing Dementia MOOC site and its various functions. We hope you will take the opportunity to introduce yourself on the Social Space discussion board, and enjoy an introduction to the big question of the course – 'Is dementia prevention possible?'

If you encounter any issues, you can contact us at mooc.utas.edu.au/contact

Over the coming four weeks, you will be introduced to the academic team and guest experts from across the globe, who will explain the current evidence around dementia risk reduction.

The content for Module One, 'Can Dementia be Prevented?' will be available from 8th October, 9:00am AEDT.

Invite others to study alongside you...

We know many of you have already passed on information about the course to others, which we really appreciate. Enrolments will remain open until 23rd October - so if you know others who would be interested, here are some ways to spread the word:

  • Send information about the course to family, friends, colleagues and groups who may be interested. They can sign up for a MOOC profile and follow the prompts to enrol in the course using the link  https://mooc.utas.edu.au/landing/pdedmci1 
  • Print a poster and/or flyer to display in your workplace or on your local community noticeboard - please click here
  • Visit the Preventing Dementia Facebook Page and share our post to ‘enrol now’ with your networks.

We look forward to seeing you online.

Kind regards,

Professor James Vickers

Private Bag 143 | Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7001

Stay connected: Facebook  Twitter  Youtube  Linkedin  utas.edu.au/wicking

CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B | ABN 30 764 374 782